Our Classes



Experience the perfect fusion of dynamic yoga flow and targeted movements designed to enhance muscle strength, flexibility, and tone. Walk away from the class with a rejuvenated sense of stretch, strength, and restoration. Elevate your well-being through this harmonious blend of mindful movement.

Available In Person, FitLive, or FitVideo


A gentle yoga class centers around being calming, being healing, breathing, and stress relief.  Our gentle class is for all levels and focuses on moving all the areas of your body and releasing tension.  Instructors encourage the use of props to support students in poses. Available In Person, FitLive, or FitVideo.


Slow and steady wins the race.  

This Hatha Yoga class is about moving mindfully, linking core with breath and form. Be Balanced  incorporates, functional movement and end of range motion exercises with yoga to build strength and balance. 

Developed for all levels to build stability and strength.   

Available In Person, FitLive, or FitVideo

BE Heated

Good Things Come to those who SWEAT

This heated class is for all those who would like a more intensive and heated practice. Sequences are designed with longer holds and challenging poses to build strength in the heart and lungs while calming the mind. This class is suitable for the more experienced yogi who would like to energize and invigorate their practice.

Be prepared to practice in a heated room. Available In Person Only


A vinyasa (flow) style class suited for all levels. Students will be introduced to dynamic sequences and a yogic breathing techniques. Focus is on linking movement and asana to the breath and building your own internal heat. Instructors will offer options and modifications for all levels of practice. Available In Person, FitLive, or FitVideo.


Our power yoga class is held in a moderately heated room to promote flexibility and detoxification. Sequences are fluid and faster with an emphasis on creating a moving meditation by connecting the movement to the breath. Sequences are designed with longer holds and challenging poses to build strength while calming the mind. This class is suitable for the more experienced yogi who wants to energize their practice. Available In Person, FitLive, or FitVideo.

BE Radiant

Be Radiant is very gentle and a deeply effective yoga class. The poses are easy and they dissolve the deepest tensions in your body. In each class you will meet your body where it’s at. You will learn how to release spinal tension from your tailbone to the top of your head. The results are profound! You’ll gain ease in your body as you move. Your mind will become peaceful. The health benefits are amazing. You’ll benefit from renewed energy and strength and you will feel more alive. Available In Person Only



Chair Yoga is a gentle class adapting yoga poses with a chair. This class cultivates awareness and deep relaxation through meditation, breath work, and gentle stretches all without the stress of getting up and down off the floor. Available In Person Only


T'ai Chi

T’ai chi is a series of slow, mostly circular, relaxed, meditative movements, linked together by your focused breath. T’ai chi is easily modified for anyone, and all ages and abilities benefit from this thousand year old activity. Since t’ai chi addresses muscle strength, flexibility, balance and aerobic conditioning, the practice of t’ai chi benefits both your inner and outer health. Diana will also explain the martial applications of these movements. Available In Person, FitLive, or FitVideo.


Yin Yoga balances out the Yang in our practice. It is a quiet and meditative yoga practice designed to release all muscular tension to benefit the joints, bones, and connective tissues in your body. Poses are reclined or seated and held for 3-4 minutes.  Its a very quiet and therapeutic form of yoga.

This is a class that is suitable for all levels and beneficial to balance out your active lifestyle, or active yoga practice. Available In Person, FitLive, or FitVideo.


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