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Unblock Your Heart Chakra

When our Heart Chakra is blocked it leads to feelings of judgement, resentment, impatience & grief; affecting our ability to forgive, lead with the wisdom of unconditional love, express emotional intimacy & put our whole heart into our passions & relationships.

In this workshop we will balance the heart chakra with traditional yoga modalities, but unlike other workshops you will learn a new super power called EFT or Emotional Freedom Technique. EFT is a mind-body tool that turns down your stress response empowering you to clear blocked energy from your chakras. Leave feeling so compassionate, loving, heart lead, free & empowered, you will want to come back for more & amp; attend the rest in this series!


A 30-minute introduction to your heart chakra and the power of EFT.

A helpful workbook to track your new awareness and keep the flow open on your own.

A 60-minute practice for all levels designed specifically to clear & open your heart chakra.

Cost $30

Sign up HERE


February 9

Ayurveda’s Six Tastes

February 23

Be Pampered Candlelight Yoga & Massage